“The Elizabeth Line will make a huge difference”: John Stergides looks ahead to revolutionary EAG John Stergides Sr is anticipating new transport options to make a “huge difference” to this year’s EAG, with the veteran exhibitor looking to 2023 as a further opportunity for Electrocoin to thrive. John Stergides snr is looking ahead to a…
Coinslot Interviews Electrocoin’s John Stergides “We are always expanding the world of play”: Electrocoin to bring extensive selection to EAG on extended stand To many, the idea of an EAG without Electrocoin would be unthinkable. With the firm poised to occupy a specially-extended stand this year, John Stergides snr gave Coinslot a preview of the…
It’s all systems go for Electrocoin at EAG this month, as the supplier reaches for the stars with the new Rocket Launch. Electrocoin has begun the countdown for takeoff with its new Rocket Launch, a fresh take on the classic prize-style skill game, featuring a starry array of prize options. The brightly-coloured cabinet with giant…
Record Breakers The amusements industry is unique in many different ways and the first EAG Chairman’s Awards will recognise the intergenerational nature of the sector Next week’s edition of EAG will honour two of the show’s record breaking stakeholders. The first EAG Chairman’s Awards will see Electrocoin recognised for being the Longest Continuous Exhibiting Company…
JOHN STERGIDES SNR FOUNDER AND MANAGING DIRECTOR ELECTROCOIN – 2022 REVIEW It was “overall a great year for us” explained industry veteran John Stergides snr, and made all the stronger by top performing products and an expansion into redemption. But beware, the industry sage says, the value of sterling and stuttering delivery are still threats…
EAG is an opportunity to look forward but also to reflect on the personalities that make the industry so special. Norman Leftly, who passed in November was responsible for capturing the industry with thousands and thousands of photographs many of which were taken at EAG and ATEI. The show’s official photographer will be remembered when…
AZARplus Hablamos en EXCLUSIVA con el S&M Manager de ELECTROCOIN, quien comenta las últimas novedades que presentarán en FIJMA el próximo año, y los retos y objetivos que se presentan de cara a 2023 bajo su lema: “Expandir el mundo del juego”, algo que llevan haciendo más de 45 años John A. Stergides: “Parece que…
Electrocoin is back at the EAG for another round and co-founder John Stergides tells InterGame why the trade show is so special, and how Electrocoin is likely to be the oldest company with its original owners to exhibit. The amusements and attractions industry is a ‘’big family’’ in the eyes of Electrocoin’s John Stergides and…
Review 2021 – Electrocoin focus on turning the ‘’buzz’’ into business Getting back to meeting people has been a key highlight for John A. Stergides as Electrocoin finally got the chance to put its new portfolio out on display. “The recent exhibitions had an extra buzz to them,” he feels, and he wants to see…
Park Avenue 2022 EAG Preview to be hosted by both Electrocoin and UDC in 181 Park Avenue, London, NW10 7XH Our special ‘Park Avenue 2022 EAG Preview’ will be open on 11th – 13th January (the original EAG dates) from 10am – 5pm daily to bring you a special preview of our latest games. With the…